Research & Publications
Dr. Mayo has an impressive research record, with over 50 published peer-reviewed journal articles in prominent journals, covering a range of topics such as ACL injury, patella instability, multiligament knee reconstruction, Tommy John Surgery, Cartilage surgery, Hip arthroscopy, and Shoulder Replacement. He has also contributed to over 10 textbook chapters and presented his research over 180 times at national and international conferences.
Highlighted Publications
- Pattetta MJ, Mayo BC, Martini O, Sullivan B, Onsen L, Hutchinson MR. Impact of
Preseason Elimination on Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Frequency in the National
Football League. World Journal of Orthopaedics. 2021 November 12; 12(11): 833-841.
PMID: 34888143. - Mayo BC, Miller A, Patetta M, Schwarzman G, Chen JW, Haden M, Secretov E, Hutchinson
MR. Preventing Tommy John Surgery: The Identification of Trends in Pitch Selection,
Velocity, and Spin Rate Prior to Ulnar Collateral Ligament Reconstruction in Major League
Baseball Pitchers. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. 2021 June
15;9(6):23259671211012364. eCollection 2021 June. PMID: 34189147. - Mayo BC, Rosinsky PJ, Kyin C, Monahan PF, Maldonado DR, Lall AC, Domb BG.
Characterizing Irreparable: A Retrospective Machine Learning Analysis of Patients who
Undergo Primary Labral Reconstruction During Hip Arthroscopy. Journal of Hip
Preservation Surgery. 2021 February 12. doi: 10.1093/jhps/hnab005 - Mayo BC, Ravella KC, Onsen L, Bobko A, Schwarzman GR, Steffes MJ, Miller A,
Hutchinson MR. Do Financial Conflicts of Interest Influence the Outcomes of Clinical
Studies Involving Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation?. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports
Medicine. 2021 February 9;9(2):2325967120979988. eCollection 2021 February. PMID:
33623797. - Rosinsky PJ, Mayo BC, Kyin C, Shapira J, Maldonado DR, Meghpara MB, Lall A, Domb B.
The Femoral Head “Divot” Sign: A Useful Arthroscopic Sign of Hip Microinstability.
Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. 2020 May 7;8(5):2325967120917919. eCollection
2020 May. PMID: 32490025. - Saltzman BM, Mayo BC, Higgins JD, Gowd AK, Cabarcas BC, Lerouc TS, Basques BA,
Nicholson GP, Bush-Joseph CA, Romeo AA, Verma NN. How many innings can we throw:
Does Workload Influence Injury Risk in Major League Baseball? An Analysis of
Professional Starting Pitchers Between 2010 and 2015. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow
Surgery. 2018;27(8):1386-1392. PMID: 29861301. - Saltzman BM, Mayo BC, Bohl DD, Frank RM, Cole BJ, Verma NN, Nicholson GP, Romeo
AA. Evaluation of Fever in the Immediate Postoperative Period Following Shoulder
Arthroplasty. The Bone and Joint Journal. 2017;99-B(11):1515-1519. PMID: 29092992.
Textbook Chapters
- Tamburini LM, Mayo BC, Edgar C. Dual- Versus Single-Plate Fixation of Clavicle Fractures: Understanding the Rationale Behind both Approaches. Clinics in Sports Medicine. 2023 October;42(4):677-684. PMID:37716730.
- Mayo BC, Amirouche F, Koh JL. (2022) Patellofemoral Biomechanics. In Koh JL, Kuroda
R, Espregueira-Mendes J, Gobbi (eds). The Patellofemoral Joint. Pp 3-20. Cham,
Switzerland. ISAKOS, Springer Verlag, 2022. ISBN: 9730308154551. - Mayo BC, Schwarzman GR, Hutchinson MR. Arthroscopic Treatment of Synovial
Pathologies of the Knee. In Weisel (ed.), Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery (3 rd
edition). pp 333-342. Philadelphia, Wolters Kluwer, 2022. ISBN: 9781975145071. - Behar A, Bobko A, Mayo BC, Saadat A, Schwarzman G, Secretov E, Steffes M, Tayne
S, Hutchinson MR. Indoor Sports. In Sergio Rocha Piedade, Andreas Imhoff, Mark
Clatworthy, Moises Cohen, and Joao Espregueira-Mendes (eds) “THE SPORTS MEDICINE
PHYSICIAN” pp 517-552. ISAKOS, Springer Verlag, 2019. ISBN: 9783030104320.
- Mayo BC, Neumann BS, Mayo JW, Gobbell W, Edgar CM. MPFL Reconstruction Improves
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome in Patients Without Prior Patellar Dislocation. UConn
Orthopedics Senior Thesis Day. Farmington, CT. 2023 June 9. - Mayo BC, Sabitsky J, Mayo JW, Gobbell WC, Coman E, Edgar CM. Suture Augmentation
in Ulnar Collateral Ligament Surgery of the Elbow: A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis,
and Analysis of Author Financial Conflict of Interest Status. New England Shoulder and
Elbow Society 2023 Annual Meeting. Jay Peak, Vermont. 2023 February 4. - Amirouche F, Diaz RL, Koh J, Lin C, Motisi M, Mayo BC, Tafur JC, Hutchinson MH. The
use of extended Lachmann test to measure knee rotation instability during PCL
reconstruction. International Combined Orthopaedic Research Societies 2022 Annual
Meeting. Edinburgh, Scotland. 2022 September 7-9. - Miller A, Mayo BC, Patetta MJ, Chen JW, Secretov E, Haden M, Schwarzman GR,
Hutchinson MR. Identification of Trends in Pitch Selection, Velocity, and Spin Rate Prior to
Ulnar Collateral Ligament Reconstruction in Major League Baseball Pitchers. Mid-America
Orthopaedic Association 2021 Annual Meeting. Amelia Island, Florida. 2021 September 29-
October 3. Podium presented by Patetta MJ. - Mayo BC, Bobko A, Schwarzman GR, Steffes M, Ravella K, Onsen L, Secretov E,
Hutchinson MR. Do Financial Conflicts of Interest Influence the Outcomes in Clinical
Studies Involving Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation? Mid-America Orthopaedic
Association 2021 Annual Meeting. Amelia Island, Florida. 2021 September 29-October 3.
Podium presented by Ravella K. - Leonardo Diaz R, Lin Y, Castillo Tafur J, Castonguay J, DesLaurier J, Motisi M, Mayo BC,
Hutchinson M, Koh J, Amirouche F. Comparing Knee Instability Following Two Posterior
Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Tensioning Techniques. Orthopaedic Research Society
Annual Meeting. Tampa, Florida. 2022 February 4-8. - Miller A, Mayo BC, Secretov E, Haden M, Schwarzman G, Hutchinson MR. Do Pitch
Statistics Change in Major League Baseball Players Following Placement on the Disabled
List for Shoulder Injury? The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting.
San Diego, California. 2021 August 31-September 3. - Mayo BC, Rosinsky PJ, Kyin C, Yelton MJ, Meghpara MB, Shapira J, Maldonado DR, Lall
AC, Domb BG. Intraoperative Indications for Primary Labral Reconstruction During Hip
Arthroscopy. 40 th Annual Meeting of the Israel Orthopaedic Association. 2020 December 3-4. - Miller A, Mayo BC, Schwarzman GR, Secretov E, Haden M, Patetta MJ, Hutchinson MR.
Changes in Major League Baseball Pitchers’ Statistics Following Shoulder Injury. Mid-
America Orthopaedic Association 2021 Annual Meeting. Amelia Island, Florida. 2021
September 29-October 3. - Mayo BC, Rosinsky PJ, Kyin C, Yelton MJ, Meghpara MB, Shapira J, Maldonado DR, Lall
AC, Domb BG. Characterizing Irreparable: A Retrospective Machine Learning Analysis of
Patients who Undergo Primary Labral Reconstruction During Hip Arthroscopy. International
Society of Hip Arthroscopy Annual Meeting. 2020 October 3. Virtual Programm.